Welcome, parents, to your future "Awakened Children"
Special Notice
This zoom is for “Children and their Parents ONLY.” It is open mic. If you do not have children in attendance, please DO NOT register for this session.
Bio Intrinsic Resonant Energy™
To understand the gifts I will be sharing, you need to understand that I have been utilizing my abilities since birth.
My grandmother, who cultivated my gifts in me as a child, was a hands-on Christian healer based on the Cherokee legacy. I was a problematic birth, so she used this energy on me daily. As I grew up, the school and church would tell me to stop playing with the devil, but Grandma convinced me it was real. The system did not break me like they did with all the other kids.
I grew up as a very mischievous kid with super powers that I taught myself how to use. I will tell you about some of that in future threads.
For now, you need to learn about what I have become and if you choose to let your kids be part of this, please understand they will be doing grander things than I by the time they reach adulthood. I will be able to shorten their learning curve by decades with just a few pointers as we go.
For over 30 years, I have been under study for my phenomenal abilities, so for the next few posts I make in here they will be about what I have become and the research that got me here.
Please listen to this clip below and you will get a good sense of who I am and what all I have to share with your kids.
I have created a special Zoom room called “BIRE Kids Clubhouse. ” At select times, I open the mic (no video) and engage in energy play with kids & parents worldwide. My goal is to have as many children retain their innate healing ability or rekindle it to its pure state.