1. Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy: Imagine Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy as the engine fueling the higher functions of the human brain to ignite healing processes within your body. Specializing in this measurable energy, Edd Edwards utilizes techniques that manipulate magnetic and electric fields within the brain, triggering rapid healing.

  2. How It Works: By manipulating various frequencies and polarity effects through the brain’s magnetic fields, Edd facilitates swift healing for those under his care.

  3. Difference from Other Energy Healers: Although similar to the energy harnessed by Reiki masters or shamanic healers, Edd’s energy stands out due to the remarkable amount he generates. Scientific tests reveal Edd can maintain energy levels forty times higher than tested Reiki masters, showcasing his unique abilities.

  4. On Medications?
    While we would never recommend stopping medications please know the group we refer to as the “Head Meds” can slow the effects. These include antidepressants, antianxiety and pain medications.

  5. Expectations During a Zoom Session: During a phone session, Edd will attune your energy and guide you to sit or lie comfortably. For an optimal experience, ensure your hands are free and use the speaker option.

  6. Expectations During an In-Person Session: In an in-person session, Edd will provide tailored instructions. Sensations like warmth, tingling, and gravitational waves may occur, necessitating adjustments for balance.

  7. Preparing for a Session: Approach a session with Edd with an open mind. Review the preparation guide for maximum benefits.

  8. Energy Transmission and Source: Edd harnesses Source Energy, the fundamental energy of the universe, to transmit healing energy.

  9. Beneficiaries of Bio-Intrinsic Resonant Energy: Everyone can benefit from this energy, bolstering the immune system and alleviating pain.

  10. Learning to Work with this Energy: Learning to work with this energy yourself is possible but demands dedicated practice and patience.

  11. Teaching Workshops and Webinars: Edd periodically offers live webinars and workshops to assist others in enhancing their energy levels. Membership ensures notifications for these opportunities.

  12. Medical Intuitive Abilities: While some view Edd as a medical intuitive, he refrains from diagnosing or providing specific medical treatments.

  13. Health Condition Information: Edd can work with individuals irrespective of the information shared about their health conditions.